Thursday, July 31


Growth means change, and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.
-Author Unknown

As wise man (my papa) once told me that life is a series of transitions, strung together by our responses and adjustments to them. Change is always happening - sometimes in a slow and steady drumbeat - flowing like the seasons; they are expected, predictable, offering ample warning, so that we can prepare ourselves. But sometimes change catches us off guard, and suddenly we find ourselves violently jerked out of the little world that had become ours. We are forced to find a new normal.

I'm beginning to think that change itself is neutral - that it can't, in and of itself, be good or bad. Let me clarify, the positive and negative effects of change can certainly be good or bad, but these consequences are dependent on, well, our dependence, on the One who is never surprised by change. Change is always an opportunity - for growth, for grace, for building new relationships and strengthening old ones, for discovering our passions, and for learning about ourselves and the intentions our Creator has for us.

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