Thursday, January 15

round two

My sister Mallory just got accepted to North Georgia College and State University, which is where she's wanted to go, and where I think she will absolutely thrive. I am so excited for her. It's kind of weird because it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that I was in her shoes: trying to decide where to go to college and wondering what to study once I got there. When I was her age, I didn't know myself well enough to make a well-thought-out decision, and looking back, I feel pretty confident that God sort of shepherded me to UGA.

This is the place where I discovered [read: began discovering] who I am. This is the place that I found my major and have grown in my passion thereof. This is the place where I met my sister-friends. This is the place where I got to know Jesus a lot better than I ever have (it's difficult to keep that from happening when Someone rebuilds your broken heart...). This is the place where I've transitioned from "girl" to "young woman," as weird as that is to admit. This is the place where I realized that I really like climbing and yoga and aerobic dance.

Oddly enough, if I had known everything about myself that I've learned during my time at UGA when I was in high school, I never EVER in a million years would have chosen this school for myself. I have no doubt that this is where I was supposed to be over the last few years and for the next few months. But when May comes, I feel confident that I will be ready, not relieved, but equipped to peacefully accept the fact that the time has come to move on. The fun part is, I'm sort of getting a second crack at picking out a school that is a better fit for me.

I've submitted applications to UNC-Chapel Hill and Appalachian State University, and should hear back from them sometime in March.

Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Chelsey said...

I never saw myself at UGA either. The only reason I initially applied was to be a back-up school and because I didn't need to write essays for early admission.

I frequently thank God for leading me to my initial back-up school. I would not be the person I am today if I didn't go here.