Friday, May 2


My favorite part of the day is in the morning when the sunlight is just beginning to filter in through east-facing windows. I like these precious moments when I feel alone in the quiet, when everyone else is sleeping still. My hair is tousled, my breath is horrendous, my eyes won't fully open, and my fine motor skills are compromised. Regardless of these deficits, I like to shuffle into the kitchen and make myself some peppermint tea with cream and sugar - to sit still for a few minutes while it steeps.

My favorite part of the week mimics this brief repose. I love the moment when you finish your weekly duties and can just take a deep breath before the weekend activities begin. Due to the lack of urgency and pressure, Fridays are often my most academically productive days. The long drive down 129 towards Gainesville is best on a sunny Friday afternoon. I like to crank up the music, roll down my windows, and just drive. This semester I've discovered that campus is different on Fridays, too. It's quiet.

My life feels kind of like a Friday right now. I have only one exam left and then school is truly out for three months, excluding study abroad, which in my opinion, does not count. This is the first summer in three years that I will not be sitting for classes, and probably the last for the next three years, as most graduate programs require summer coursework. I am enjoying it.

Who has not found heaven below
Will fail of it above
God's residence is next to mine,
His furniture is love.
-Emily D.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All these feelings you talk about are my favorites too, although i prefer to get up rather late, when possibly and just keep falling back into a dreamy slumber. Then after a while of doing this, my puppy comes up and jumps on my bed and licks my face until I wake up and hold him close to me so he can't reach my face to lick me anymore...