Friday, May 9

christmas break

School is out! Yes!

Oddly enough, I've spent the first few days of summer on Christmas break, if you will. My dear friends Robby, Joanna, and Trey have welcomed me into their cozy home in Wake Forest, North Carolina. It's been a restful visit so far - while Robby's been at work or class, the three of us have taken multiple naps, watched Nacho Libre, obtained a piercing (yep) at the mall, gone for a stroll around campus, read Anna Karenina (for me), and Terrify No More (for Joanna), changed diapers, met some friends, and talked and talked and talked. Last night Joanna made a delicious chicken & veggie pizza with homemade whole-wheat crust for dinner. Afterwards, her friend Tiffany came over and, with Robby as our trainer, we all worked out in the living room.

I love being here; as a direct result of their hospitality, it already feels like home - as though this were a friend's house that I've been coming to after school since I was a kid. In a summer full of adventure after adventure, it is good to begin with this kind of get-away. I'm remembering how crazy Robby is. I'm getting to know my new friend Trey. Joanna-my-friend has been transformed into Joanna-the-mother, while somehow remaining Joanna-my-friend.


Joanna Christmas said...

guess what i just found underneath my coffee table? heres a hint: it was round and tastes like strawberries...(it was a straggler. we didn't eat was very fuzzy)

kirbylee said...

haha - that is hilarious - happy mother's day! oh, and i told my mom about your idea - she suggested velcro...

Josiah said...

It is a warm comfy home because the people in it radiate love waves at a high frequency.