Wednesday, September 24


Last night I got super-upset about the images of stillborn babies with anencephaly (terminal condition in which the fetal brain develops outside of skull) my neuroscience professor showed us in class yesterday. Sometimes having a soft heart can be incredibly painful. I called my dad and he prayed for me and shared this verse:

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. -Philippians 4:7-9

Now, I realize that many of you probably wouldn't choose the word "lovely" to describe the pictures above, but I cannot help but see these beautiful children any other way. These babies have a chance at life. The God of restoration will heal them, and I cannot believe that He's chosen me to help Him do it. As I thought about these things, I was filled with gratitude for the fact that I was born into a family in a country where I've been blessed with the opportunity to receive an education that is equipping me with the knowledge I'll need to offer speech therapy to this population that I know I am just beginning to grow into my passion for. Until recently I've wondered to the point of exhaustion why in the world I was born here, where I have everything I could possibly need or want, instead of in the slums of India or the dump in Guatemala City.

Dare I say that I think I'm starting to understand? In my life, I will be free to travel to terrifying places like Afghanistan (which I fully intend on doing, even if I have to wear a burqua, or better yet, tape my chest and wear a turban and fake beard...).

The Smile Train has established small surgical centers in 75 countries, and as I looked over their list, I noticed several that I already have connections with as a 20-year-old college student. I've been to Guatemala three times and studied abroad in Russia. My Aunt Chrissy and Uncle Bill have lived in the Philippines and are currently residing in Egypt (I need to go visit them soon). My sister studied abroad in Argentina. My church sends mission teams to South Africa and the Dominican Republic. My dad has led several mission teams to Bosnia. I have old friends with serious hearts for Zambia, Uganda, and Mali, and one that is teaching in Taiwan.

I'm excited to see what God has planned.


Joanna Christmas said...
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Joanna Christmas said...

ok this is my third attempt to comment on your blog. i hope this one works...
i love to see your passions unfolding. i would also agree that having a soft heart can sometimes seem like more of a curse than a blessing. and i also often wonder why in the world i was born in "youcanhaveanythingyouwantbecauseitsyourright"
america. you're wonderful.