Wednesday, March 12


I am at the beach with Lindsey and Danielle this week. Even the drive down was the best I've ever had - the highlights include listening to the Beach Boys, Ingrid Michaelson, Death Cab, and Hanson, Danielle convincing most of the trucks we passed to honk, semi-serious talks about self-image and relationships, Garmin, and free Chick-Fil-A.
Upon arrival, we immediately headed to the ocean. I kicked off my flip flops, turned around, and, unable to contain my child-like excitement, sprinted down to the water's edge. There are at least two witnesses to this event. Danielle found a tiny Jelly Fish and part of a Sand Dollar, a "Sand Nickle" one might call it (as I did).

Yesterday it was a little overcast, but we went out for about an hour and sat in the sand in our bathing suits (Lindsey was smart and left her cover-up on). Occasionally, I would get up and chase seagulls for a few minutes. The few people that walked past (in jeans and sweatshirts) must have thought that we were absolutely insane. Danielle used two straw mats to fashion a wind-blocker. Ingenious.
Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him,
for he shields [them] all day long,
and the one[s] the LORD loves rest between his shoulders.
-Deuteronomy 33:12

Our Jesus has been so good to us so far this week. He's offered us a break from everything about life that causes confusion, stress, worry, fear, and frustration. We have entered a No-Facebook, No-Phone Zone and will remain here for the next 48 hours. We have elected to sleep in one king-size bed (though there are three others), and today already looks like a beautiful sunny day.


Teecy said...

hey beautiful! your trip sounds magical! i love those road trips with the girls...nothing like it.
which beach are you at?
i can't wait for my family beach vaca this summer where i will meet trey for the first time!
i enjoy reading your blog...keep it up!
love ya!

Lindsey said...

I look like such a creeper with that towel around my head.