Tuesday, March 4

Toad Strangler

Holy holy holy cow. Had I been offered a glimpse last Friday as to the slight, but unexpected turn that my life was about to take I would have refused to believe it. Surely God's timing is always flawless; yet He leaves it up to us to acknowledge that fact.

Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up;
do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.

-Isaiah 43:18-19

I'm beginning to see the new thing. It's a little frightening, but in a good way - like running through the forest, caught in a mid-summer-late-afternoon toad strangler; like watching a thunderstorm; like allowing the sheer size of L'Arc d'Triomphe to dwarf you; like slacklining.

A huge prayer in my life has not only been answered, but in an absolutely beautiful way, painted with humility, forgiveness, repentance, mercy, grace, restoration, and healing. What a blessing it has been to thumb through the last few month's journal entries of documented prayer for my old friend, and to see these things Jesus asked me to pray for answered before my very eyes. What a blessing to discover that another friend served as an advocate on my behalf, a catalyst for this breakthrough, just what I needed.

I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.
-Psalm 40:1

Dear friends, continue to wait in Him. He will answer.

Come and Listen

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. -Psalm 27:14

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love you.
i hope you know that.
waiting has become a specialty of mine, yet somehow i have yet to perfect it.
it's definitely a process.
these moments you speak of come with surprising joy.
but do not forget
[though i know you won't]
to remember the One who got you there, for there will be more of those moments that you don't like to remember when you will fall on your face in front of Him again.

you are beautiful.
and i am proud of you.