Tuesday, March 24

out like a lamb

Well, March certainly came in like a lion, at least in Athens. For those of you that do not find this city to be your place of residence, we had about 6+ inches of snow - and that is a moderate estimate. It seems safe to say that its on its way out like a lamb.

I promised I would update - I'm going to Appalachian State University in the fall! The more I think about it, the more I feel like a ten year old that's been told he gets to live IN Six Flags for the next two years. Wahoo! North Carolina and I will be fast friends, I'm sure.

Today I went to the science library to check out a book for my language disorders class - I'd forgotten how much I love that place. The quiet of a library is not just a result of a lack of noise, it's one of the few places on campus that truly feels still, and I find the stacks timeless. But my very favorite thing about the library is the books. I love borrowing library books because of the way that they look and feel and even smell - old. You never know whose hands a book has been in, or what countries it's traveled to. In the last three months alone, I've taken library books to Egypt, France, and Switzerland. I wonder where the volume I selected today has been. Probably not anywhere of consequence - it was published in 2008.

The library is awesome.

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