Monday, February 16

and yet, the child won't say a single word...

My baby brother is 17 months old. According to developmental language norms, he should be nearing the fifty-word vocabulary typical of an 18-month-old. He walks, has "conversations" with Elmo, is interested in books, initiates nonverbal social interactions, feeds himself, and has met all major non-verbal developmental milestones.

Just the other day, I received the following email from my stepmom:
Hi there!
Yesterday, Robby, on his own, decided that he wanted to set up his own office.
He took his drum, and put his “My First Laptop” on top of the drum. Then he found a block and brought it over to use as a stool. Then he sat on his block and played with his laptop. He did this all on his own!
I did then hand him the phone to just complete his little office, and of course he knows what to do with that!
Then, he came out the next morning and did the same thing in his pajamas with Mr. Bear.
He is now sitting and playing at his “desk” with his laptop.
I thought you might get a kick out of these pictures.
I guess Jim and I spend a little too much time on our laptops and someone picked up on this!
Love you!

And yet still, not a single word. I think he's teasing me.

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