Monday, December 1

grocery shopping

I love grocery shopping - probably more than anyone should. Seriously. I think I would do it for a living if I could. I love the process in its entirety; I think it can be segmented into three steps:

1. Preparation. I keep a running list on my desk during the week. If I think of something I need, I jot it down. At some point over the weekend, I pull up the Publix Weekly Ad and add things to my list based on what's on sale. Once the list is complete, I toss it in one of my cloth grocery bags and wait patiently for one of my favorite moments of each week:

2. The Big Show. I always start in the bakery and work my way back through the deli towards the produce section before working my way up and down the aisles. Its lovely to have a store that you are familiar with. The list is helpful - necessary, even - but its also important to stay flexible. Blueberries might be on sale, but you might get to the store and find out that they don't look as delicious as one might expect. You might also get inspired on aisle seven. I generally do my grocery shopping on Sunday or Monday because of the penny item. Sometimes its peanut butter or old fashioned oatmeal. I've also seen toilet paper or coffee. Today it was frozen pizza. I hear a lot of people complaining about Publix prices being high, but they always have a wide variety of bargains in their sale paper each week. I'm getting to know the people that work at my Publix, which is nice, and even though I don't usually accept the offer, its nice that they always ask if you need help getting your groceries out to your car.

3. Cool-Down. Don't laugh, but I literally buckle my grocery bags up in the back seat (you can never be too careful with eggs and such). I even love putting the groceries away in their respective "homes." Obviously, I start with perishables, then move on to the pantry.

Perhaps this is selfish, but I hope that I get to go grocery shopping on a relatively regular basis for the rest of my life.


Joanna Christmas said...

I KNEW you and I were soulmates! Did you know that I ADORE going grocery shopping? I love it a million times more than shopping for clothes! And I keep a list too! And I end up re-copying it about 5 times. (Which drives Robby NUTS!)
We don't have PUBLIX here, but my dad loves it. He loves the buy one get one frees because if you only want to get one, its half the price. He affectionately calls them "twofers".
I can't actually go up and down every aisle because I know that I will spend too much money and see all of these things I would like to get or make, so unfortunately I have to just get what I need, but every once in a while, I will splurge and go down every aisle, spending way too much!
My dad goes down every aisle because he's afraid he'll forget something (even though he always has a list). Gotta love those Jim-dad's!
You're the best! This just made my day to know that I'm not alone. Sorry this is so long!

Joanna Christmas said...
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Joanna Christmas said...

I forgot to tell you I have just as much fun putting them away. Robby knows to just set them in the kitchen and not to try and help, otherwise it takes away from all of my fun! I'm a total wreck!

kirbylee said...

I am glad to know that I am not alone in this passion. Ha.