Monday, February 11

Ready To Stand

I'm walking in an open field looking for some space to fill
I believe there's something left to hold.
So even when the sun goes down and there's no one around
I'm standing in the freedom of my soul.

-Bebo Norman, Stand

Step One: Identify and Overcome Fears

As 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (NKJV) I'm giving blood tomorrow. This is a huge step for me - a step of obedience for sure: first His blood - now mine. As far as the more distant future is concerned, I'm considering a move to Seattle next year for graduate school. By myself.

Step Two: Seize Opportunities...
To travel - I figure God made the world and everything in it, so it's probably worth seeing if one has the means.
To love/help others - He also made people and loves each person deeply. I suspect that there is a reason; I'd like to discover it.

Step Three: Learn to Love Unreservedly
Recently I've realized that true freedom requires my extension of the forgiveness I've received to those in my life who are equally undeserving of it. So learn to love mercy (Micah 6:8). "Only the free can love, and only the completely free can love unreservedly." -St. Teresa of Avila

Step Four: Be More Disciplined: Waste Less Time
"In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the LORD, not for people." -Colossians 3:23

Step Five: Loosen Up: Waste More Time
A. Try new things: piano, painted fingernails, yoga, Wesley, the old testament, spending some money, poetry, step aerobics, paradoxes, wearing heels occasionally, summer in Russia...
B. Be generous and willing to share. (1 Timothy 16:18)
C. Release whatever it is that I hold onto so tightly; only then will my hands be open to receive God's best for me. Realize that this is a process.


Lindsey said...

these are good steps to take. :) you should publish pamphlets.

Teecy said...

haha...i like lindsey's comment. is that "our" lindsey?
seattle? that's exciting....which school?

kirbylee said...

It's actually my Lindsey - my roommate - she's the brunette in the pictures from the beach.

Hopefully the University of Washington - it's in the top five for speech therapy programs, so we'll see what happens.